I am interested in investigating whether economic growth leads to increase in inequality. Economic growth simply means the increase in total value of goods and services produced in a time frame. The standard meaasure of economic growth is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in a fiscal year. GDP however only incorporates the production side of the economy and doesn't indicate anything about the distribution side. The increased production doesn't get distributed evenly. I am interested in investigating this distributional aspect and see if the fruits of economic growth are unevenly distributed and the rich get more benefit of economic growth compared to the poor in a country. My hypothesis is that economic growth leads to increase in income inequality.
For my project, I get all of my data from World Development Indicators databank from the World Bank website. The database provides extensive data for hundreds of variables on development indicators for all the countries. However, we face the problem of lots of missing data, especially for the datapoints on developming countries. It is the common plight of field of development economics. Here, I first briefly discuss some of the most important variables that are important on the study first and expalin what I am planning to do with the missing data. All the definitions of the variables are the official World bank definitions.
Gini Index: My primary dependent variable of interest is the GINI Index, the most popular measure of income inequality. The Gini index measures the extent to which the distribution of income or consumption among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. A Gini index of 0 represents perfect equality, while an index of 100 implies perfect inequality (Definition from the World bank).
GDP per capita: GDP per capita is the sum of gross value added by all resident producers in the economy plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output, divided by mid-year population.
Inflation: Inflation is the measure of annual percentage change in the cost to the average consumer of acquiring a basket of goods and services in a given year.
Unemployment rate: Unemployment refers to the share of the labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment in the given year.
Life Expectancy: Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. This is the proxy for health in our model as it is the most widely available data worldwide.
Population Growth Rate: Annual population growth rate for year t is the exponential rate of growth of midyear population from year t-1 to t, expressed as a percentage.
Income Level: Low Income if GNI per capita is greater than USD 1085, Lower-Middle Income if GNI per capita is gbetween USD 1086 and USD 4225, Upper-Middle Income if GNI per capita is between USD 4225 and USD 13205 High Income if GNI per capita is greater than USD 13205. This is the classification used by the World Bank.
The dataset I am using has a panel data on 73 countries for the time period 1991-2019. The unit of observation is a country year. As mentioned earlier, the daset suffers heavily from missing data. gini Idnex is the variable with moss missing data. I filtered the 73 countries that have the most datapoints available. Some countries did not have a single datapoint for any of the years. I drop all the country years that have missing value for any of the major variables listed above except for Gini Index. For Gini Index, i use the linear extrapolation method to generate missing values. This is appropriate for two reasosn. First, it suffers the most from missing values and I want to make the most out of the availabel data. Second, the value of Gini Index doesn't fluctuate heavily in successive years. This means the generated data is meaningful in our analysis.
I am going to use a regression model to investigate this relationship between Gini Index and Economic Growth.It is important to understand and untangle this complex relationship because it has huge policy implications for both developinga nd developed countries as they continue to grow and high income inequality is undesirable.
The dataset I am using is an unbalanced panel data. I am using Pooled OLS, Random Effects, and Fixed Effects model on the dataset. I will then use different statistical tests to choose which model better explains the relationship.
I will also control for the income level of a country in investigating this relationship. This relationship between economic growth and gini could be different for a rich country and a poor country (Kuznet's hypothesis). Therefore, I will evaluate this relationship for four different income levels (explained above).
I loaded the dataset which is an excel file which is uploaded on my data folder. Each row is a country year. I tidied the data by changing the datatype, dropping rows with missing variables, and permorming a linear extrapolation on missing values for the Gini Index. I created a new variable income level as it is important for the analysis (description above on the section on dataset).I also created a new variable CountryYear by combining country code and the year for each row. This will be an unique identified for each row of the dataset.
#Cloninng my project repositary, reading data and importing different libraries:
!git clone https://github.com/mandeepkrk/CMPSFinalProject
%cd /content/CMPSFinalProject
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Cloning into 'CMPSFinalProject'... remote: Enumerating objects: 17, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (17/17), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (15/15), done. remote: Total 17 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (17/17), 2.07 MiB | 5.71 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), done. /content/CMPSFinalProject
#creating a dataframe with all the variables in our dataset:
df_gini = pd.read_excel("./gdp_gini_final.xlsx")
year | country | country_code | gdp | gdp_gr | gdp_pc | gini | gni | gni_pc | infl | life_exp | popn_gr | tax_gdp_prcnt | unemp | |
0 | 1991 | Argentina | ARG | 189719984268.484528 | 9.133111 | 5730.72381 | 46.8 | 183857364656.528564 | 3860 | 140.502379 | 72.319 | 1.424063 | 5.008237 | 5.44 |
1 | 1992 | Argentina | ARG | 228778917308.169861 | 7.937292 | 6815.32933 | 45.5 | 224521060685.898621 | 6060 | 16.071994 | 72.430 | 1.387435 | 5.547922 | 6.36 |
2 | 1993 | Argentina | ARG | 236741715015.015015 | 8.206979 | 6957.417499 | 44.9 | 233743662862.862854 | 7110 | -3.561096 | 72.565 | 1.357966 | 8.015138 | 10.1 |
3 | 1994 | Argentina | ARG | 257440000000 | 5.836201 | 7464.474737 | 45.9 | 253743263100 | 7600 | 2.84934 | 73.172 | 1.347024 | 8.126437 | 11.76 |
4 | 1995 | Argentina | ARG | 258031750000 | -2.84521 | 7383.70451 | 48.9 | 253362890700 | 7340 | 3.165123 | 73.133 | 1.317554 | 8.054358 | 18.8 |
#Here, I create a new variable called 'country_year' combining country code and year. This serves as the unique identifier for each row of data.
df_gini.loc[:, "country_year"] = df_gini["country_code"].astype(str) + df_gini["year"].astype(str)
#Checking datatype for variables in df_gini_subset
year int64 country object country_code object gdp object gdp_gr object gdp_pc object gini object gni object gni_pc object infl object life_exp float64 popn_gr float64 tax_gdp_prcnt object unemp object country_year object dtype: object
We can see that many variables that need to be float datatype are read as strings by pandas.
# Drop tax_gdp_prcnt and gni as I an not using them for my analysis
df_gini = df_gini.drop(['tax_gdp_prcnt','gni'], axis=1)
#I want to change the variables to the appropriate datatypes. First, I check for the columns that have string value and shouldn't be string.
for col in ['gdp_pc', 'gdp','gdp_gr','gni_pc','infl','unemp']:
if df_gini[col].dtype == 'object':
print(f"Column '{col}' contains string values:")
Column 'gdp_pc' contains string values: [5730.7238098842345 6815.329329698251 6957.417498892505 ... 1495.752138410211 1475.1998833853477 1268.1209405624106] Column 'gdp' contains string values: [189719984268.48453 228778917308.16986 236741715015.015 ... 25873601260.835304 26311507273.67354 23308667781.225754] Column 'gdp_gr' contains string values: [9.133110567389608 7.937291556430765 8.206979072212278 ... 3.5043360955868224 4.034493896671648 1.44130602603785] Column 'gni_pc' contains string values: [3860 6060 7110 ... 3060 390 1330] Column 'infl' contains string values: [140.50237866101241 16.071993535694546 -3.561095575765748 ... 10.095729868345842 7.411570948432569 7.6334704807674285] Column 'unemp' contains string values: [5.44 6.36 10.1 ... 8.137 8.431 5.54]
#Then I drop the rows with missing values and change the variables to float.
df_gini= df_gini.dropna(subset=['gdp_pc', 'gdp','gdp_gr', 'infl', 'life_exp','popn_gr','gni_pc','unemp'])
df_gini[['gdp_pc', 'gdp','gdp_gr', 'infl', 'life_exp','popn_gr','gni_pc','unemp']] = df_gini[['gdp_pc', 'gdp','gdp_gr', 'infl', 'life_exp','popn_gr','gni_pc','unemp']].replace('..', np.nan)
#Creating new varaible income level based on country's gni per capita as defined by the World Bank:
df_gini['income_lvl'] = np.select(
[df_gini['gni_pc'] < 1085,
(df_gini['gni_pc'] >= 1086) & (df_gini['gni_pc'] < 4095),
(df_gini['gni_pc'] >= 4095) & (df_gini['gni_pc'] < 13205),
df_gini['gni_pc'] >= 13205],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
df_gini['income_lvl'] = df_gini['income_lvl'].astype('Int64')
year | country | country_code | gdp | gdp_gr | gdp_pc | gini | gni_pc | infl | life_exp | popn_gr | unemp | country_year | income_lvl | |
0 | 1991 | Argentina | ARG | 1.897200e+11 | 9.133111 | 5730.723810 | 46.8 | 3860.0 | 140.502379 | 72.319 | 1.424063 | 5.44 | ARG1991 | 2 |
1 | 1992 | Argentina | ARG | 2.287789e+11 | 7.937292 | 6815.329330 | 45.5 | 6060.0 | 16.071994 | 72.430 | 1.387435 | 6.36 | ARG1992 | 3 |
2 | 1993 | Argentina | ARG | 2.367417e+11 | 8.206979 | 6957.417499 | 44.9 | 7110.0 | -3.561096 | 72.565 | 1.357966 | 10.10 | ARG1993 | 3 |
3 | 1994 | Argentina | ARG | 2.574400e+11 | 5.836201 | 7464.474737 | 45.9 | 7600.0 | 2.849340 | 73.172 | 1.347024 | 11.76 | ARG1994 | 3 |
4 | 1995 | Argentina | ARG | 2.580318e+11 | -2.845210 | 7383.704510 | 48.9 | 7340.0 | 3.165123 | 73.133 | 1.317554 | 18.80 | ARG1995 | 3 |
# change income_lvl to float for statistical analysis later
df_gini['income_lvl'] = df_gini['income_lvl'].astype(float)
#Confirming all the variables have been changed to appropriate datatype:
year int64 country object country_code object gdp float64 gdp_gr float64 gdp_pc float64 gini object gni_pc float64 infl float64 life_exp float64 popn_gr float64 unemp float64 country_year object income_lvl float64 dtype: object
As we can see, all the variables except Gini are appropriate datatypes now. As I want to perform linear interpolation to generate missing values on Gini, I carry out the follwing steps:
#changing the missing values in Gini to NaN:
df_gini['gini'] = df_gini['gini'].replace('..', np.nan)
# Check how many missing values there are in the column Gini
#perform linear interpolation for missing values in gini variable based on each country
# Loop through each country and perform linear interpolation for missing values in the Gini variable.
for country_code in df_gini['country_code'].unique():
# Subset the data for the current country.
country_data = df_gini[df_gini['country_code'] == country_code]
# Perform linear interpolation for missing values in the Gini variable.
country_data['gini'] = country_data['gini'].interpolate(method='linear')
# Update the original dataframe with the interpolated values.
df_gini.loc[country_data.index, 'gini'] = country_data['gini']
count 1667.000000 mean 38.074625 std 9.108657 min 20.700000 25% 30.800000 50% 35.700000 75% 45.175000 max 61.600000 Name: gini, dtype: float64
#Check how many missing valuesb there still are as if the the first value for a country is missing, it would still remain missing:
#Confirming that dataype for all variables is now correct:
year int64 country object country_code object gdp float64 gdp_gr float64 gdp_pc float64 gini float64 gni_pc float64 infl float64 life_exp float64 popn_gr float64 unemp float64 country_year object income_lvl float64 dtype: object
#The first 20 rows of the final dataframe:
year | country | country_code | gdp | gdp_gr | gdp_pc | gini | gni_pc | infl | life_exp | popn_gr | unemp | country_year | income_lvl | |
0 | 1991 | Argentina | ARG | 1.897200e+11 | 9.133111 | 5730.723810 | 46.8 | 3860.0 | 140.502379 | 72.319 | 1.424063 | 5.44 | ARG1991 | 2.0 |
1 | 1992 | Argentina | ARG | 2.287789e+11 | 7.937292 | 6815.329330 | 45.5 | 6060.0 | 16.071994 | 72.430 | 1.387435 | 6.36 | ARG1992 | 3.0 |
2 | 1993 | Argentina | ARG | 2.367417e+11 | 8.206979 | 6957.417499 | 44.9 | 7110.0 | -3.561096 | 72.565 | 1.357966 | 10.10 | ARG1993 | 3.0 |
3 | 1994 | Argentina | ARG | 2.574400e+11 | 5.836201 | 7464.474737 | 45.9 | 7600.0 | 2.849340 | 73.172 | 1.347024 | 11.76 | ARG1994 | 3.0 |
4 | 1995 | Argentina | ARG | 2.580318e+11 | -2.845210 | 7383.704510 | 48.9 | 7340.0 | 3.165123 | 73.133 | 1.317554 | 18.80 | ARG1995 | 3.0 |
5 | 1996 | Argentina | ARG | 2.721498e+11 | 5.526690 | 7690.157003 | 49.5 | 7700.0 | -0.052375 | 73.307 | 1.260411 | 17.11 | ARG1996 | 3.0 |
6 | 1997 | Argentina | ARG | 2.928590e+11 | 8.111047 | 8176.771195 | 49.1 | 8110.0 | -0.463913 | 73.090 | 1.198264 | 14.82 | ARG1997 | 3.0 |
7 | 1998 | Argentina | ARG | 2.989482e+11 | 3.850179 | 8250.673174 | 50.7 | 7990.0 | -1.705280 | 73.474 | 1.158178 | 12.65 | ARG1998 | 3.0 |
8 | 1999 | Argentina | ARG | 2.835230e+11 | -3.385457 | 7735.322080 | 49.8 | 7540.0 | -1.836558 | 73.722 | 1.152044 | 14.05 | ARG1999 | 3.0 |
9 | 2000 | Argentina | ARG | 2.842038e+11 | -0.788999 | 7666.517834 | 51.1 | 7430.0 | 1.037287 | 73.926 | 1.133277 | 15.00 | ARG2000 | 3.0 |
10 | 2001 | Argentina | ARG | 2.686968e+11 | -4.408840 | 7168.975872 | 53.3 | 6960.0 | -1.095768 | 74.186 | 1.099171 | 17.32 | ARG2001 | 3.0 |
11 | 2002 | Argentina | ARG | 9.772400e+10 | -10.894485 | 2579.488769 | 53.8 | 4020.0 | 30.555204 | 74.408 | 1.073538 | 19.59 | ARG2002 | 2.0 |
12 | 2003 | Argentina | ARG | 1.275870e+11 | 8.837041 | 3333.152904 | 51.0 | 3640.0 | 10.495703 | 74.080 | 1.032361 | 15.36 | ARG2003 | 2.0 |
13 | 2004 | Argentina | ARG | 1.646579e+11 | 9.029573 | 4258.160261 | 48.5 | 3360.0 | 18.363354 | 74.855 | 1.015337 | 13.52 | ARG2004 | 2.0 |
14 | 2005 | Argentina | ARG | 1.987371e+11 | 8.851660 | 5086.627761 | 47.8 | 4240.0 | 10.317511 | 75.139 | 1.033476 | 11.51 | ARG2005 | 3.0 |
15 | 2006 | Argentina | ARG | 2.325573e+11 | 8.047152 | 5890.978002 | 46.4 | 5460.0 | 13.741052 | 75.433 | 1.034672 | 10.08 | ARG2006 | 3.0 |
16 | 2007 | Argentina | ARG | 2.875305e+11 | 9.007651 | 7210.595548 | 46.3 | 6480.0 | 14.939925 | 75.006 | 1.006297 | 8.47 | ARG2007 | 3.0 |
17 | 2008 | Argentina | ARG | 3.615580e+11 | 4.057233 | 8977.506851 | 45.0 | 7630.0 | 23.171165 | 75.641 | 0.992294 | 7.84 | ARG2008 | 3.0 |
18 | 2009 | Argentina | ARG | 3.329765e+11 | -5.918525 | 8184.389889 | 43.8 | 7760.0 | 15.377649 | 75.936 | 1.014284 | 8.65 | ARG2009 | 3.0 |
19 | 2010 | Argentina | ARG | 4.236274e+11 | 10.125398 | 10385.964432 | 43.7 | 9270.0 | 20.915124 | 75.721 | 0.255582 | 7.71 | ARG2010 | 3.0 |
#Countries in our sample:
unique_countries = df_gini['country'].unique()
for i, country in enumerate(unique_countries):
if i % 5 == 0:
print(f"{country:20}", end="")
Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Belarus Belgium Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czechia Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Honduras Hungary Iceland Indonesia Iran, Islamic Rep. Ireland Israel Italy Kazakhstan Kosovo Kyrgyz Republic Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malaysia Malta Mexico Moldova Netherlands North Macedonia Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russian Federation Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Thailand Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela, RB Viet Nam Zambia
In this section, I present some summary statistics and preliminary visualization for some of the variables. I am mostly interested in looking at the scatterplot and trendlines for the relationship between Gini and my independent variables.
# Summary statistics for Gini by country:
gini_stats = df_gini.groupby('country')['gini'].describe()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max country Argentina 29.0 46.191379 3.797510 41.1 42.700000 45.900000 49.100000 53.8 Armenia 21.0 32.419048 2.795285 28.0 30.000000 32.400000 34.800000 37.5 Australia 25.0 33.910000 0.758494 32.6 33.350000 34.000000 34.475000 35.4 Austria 26.0 30.100000 0.749637 28.7 29.525000 30.250000 30.750000 31.5 Belarus 22.0 27.954545 2.166350 25.2 26.500000 27.650000 29.400000 32.0 Belgium 17.0 28.182353 0.857493 27.2 27.600000 28.100000 28.400000 30.5 Bolivia 21.0 51.176190 6.158178 41.6 46.600000 49.200000 57.150000 61.6 Brazil 28.0 55.898214 2.898546 51.9 53.375000 55.250000 58.775000 60.1 Bulgaria 14.0 37.171429 2.640638 33.6 35.700000 36.350000 39.875000 41.3 Canada 29.0 33.055172 0.844557 31.3 32.700000 33.300000 33.700000 34.1 Chile 28.0 50.016071 4.010894 45.3 46.837500 48.333333 54.312500 56.4 China 27.0 39.542593 2.832573 33.9 38.350000 39.700000 41.816667 43.7 Colombia 29.0 54.103448 2.566707 49.7 52.600000 54.200000 55.550000 58.7 Costa Rica 29.0 48.089655 1.627519 45.6 46.800000 48.300000 48.800000 51.8 Croatia 11.0 31.354545 1.255678 28.9 30.650000 32.000000 32.350000 32.6 Cyprus 16.0 32.475000 1.910846 30.1 31.175000 31.900000 33.175000 37.0 Czechia 28.0 25.991071 1.186086 20.7 25.900000 26.200000 26.525000 27.5 Denmark 28.0 25.789286 1.931132 23.0 24.050000 25.400000 27.725000 28.7 Dominican Republic 28.0 48.264286 2.877369 41.9 47.000000 48.900000 50.100000 52.1 Ecuador 26.0 50.142308 4.049072 44.7 46.025000 49.966667 53.400000 58.6 El Salvador 29.0 47.034483 5.219253 38.0 42.300000 47.800000 51.500000 54.5 Estonia 17.0 32.641176 1.835776 30.3 31.200000 32.500000 33.600000 37.2 Finland 20.0 27.495000 0.362621 26.8 27.200000 27.516667 27.700000 28.3 France 24.0 32.054167 0.991696 29.7 31.675000 32.350000 32.625000 33.7 Georgia 24.0 38.170833 1.566908 35.9 36.850000 38.000000 39.525000 41.3 Germany 29.0 30.165517 1.230353 28.0 29.000000 30.300000 31.100000 31.9 Greece 20.0 34.350000 1.087220 32.8 33.600000 34.150000 35.025000 36.3 Honduras 29.0 53.644828 3.164150 48.2 51.300000 53.500000 55.700000 59.5 Hungary 16.0 29.875000 1.823367 27.0 28.975000 29.950000 30.650000 34.7 Iceland 17.0 27.605882 1.725714 25.4 26.200000 26.800000 28.700000 31.8 Indonesia 27.0 35.811111 3.293739 29.5 33.550000 35.600000 38.600000 40.8 Iran, Islamic Rep. 15.0 38.366667 3.950166 34.0 35.050000 36.700000 42.550000 44.8 Ireland 26.0 33.078846 1.646643 30.6 32.000000 32.850000 33.637500 37.0 Israel 23.0 40.100000 1.542430 38.1 38.650000 39.800000 41.450000 42.6 Italy 29.0 34.736207 1.121932 31.1 34.300000 35.000000 35.200000 36.7 Kazakhstan 19.0 29.931579 3.646010 26.8 27.650000 28.200000 31.000000 39.8 Kosovo 17.0 29.317647 2.000698 26.3 27.800000 29.000000 30.800000 33.3 Kyrgyz Republic 20.0 30.085000 2.827548 26.8 27.775000 29.800000 31.125000 37.4 Latvia 16.0 35.750000 1.267544 34.2 35.075000 35.550000 36.100000 39.0 Lithuania 16.0 35.793750 1.602693 32.5 35.025000 35.500000 37.225000 38.4 Luxembourg 29.0 30.858621 2.158623 27.0 30.000000 30.900000 32.000000 35.4 Madagascar 27.0 42.266667 1.935163 38.6 41.175000 42.600000 42.600000 47.4 Malaysia 28.0 45.225000 2.859410 41.1 42.275000 45.416667 47.804167 49.1 Malta 14.0 29.221429 0.696341 28.0 29.000000 29.100000 29.350000 31.0 Mexico 28.0 50.269643 2.352357 46.0 48.837500 50.375000 52.387500 53.4 Moldova 23.0 32.647826 4.924786 25.7 27.750000 34.400000 36.050000 42.6 Netherlands 16.0 28.606250 0.775000 27.6 28.050000 28.350000 29.225000 30.0 North Macedonia 11.0 36.609091 3.120082 33.0 34.350000 35.600000 38.750000 42.8 Norway 29.0 26.962069 1.427817 25.2 26.000000 26.840000 27.500000 31.6 Pakistan 24.0 30.129167 1.045271 28.7 29.483333 29.933333 30.775000 33.1 Panama 29.0 54.220690 3.156442 49.2 51.500000 54.600000 57.500000 58.2 Paraguay 25.0 51.804000 3.573890 45.7 48.500000 52.300000 54.600000 58.2 Peru 23.0 47.882609 4.376762 41.5 43.750000 47.500000 50.900000 55.1 Philippines 20.0 45.795000 1.674552 42.3 45.075000 46.466667 46.916667 47.7 Poland 16.0 32.900000 2.282688 28.8 31.650000 33.150000 33.625000 38.0 Portugal 17.0 36.076471 1.795317 32.8 35.200000 36.000000 36.800000 38.9 Romania 14.0 36.200000 1.250846 34.4 35.650000 35.950000 36.475000 39.6 Russian Federation 23.0 39.091304 1.738315 36.8 37.450000 39.500000 40.500000 42.3 Slovak Republic 16.0 26.081250 1.614608 23.2 25.150000 26.100000 27.125000 29.3 Slovenia 16.0 24.837500 0.627030 23.7 24.400000 24.800000 25.025000 26.2 Spain 27.0 34.637037 1.249182 31.8 33.950000 34.700000 35.700000 36.5 Sweden 20.0 27.690000 1.304204 25.3 26.725000 27.600000 28.800000 30.0 Switzerland 20.0 32.847500 0.773317 31.6 32.450000 32.750000 33.362500 34.3 Tajikistan 21.0 32.447619 1.339883 29.5 31.500000 32.666667 33.600000 34.0 Thailand 28.0 40.607143 3.143916 34.9 37.725000 41.650000 42.575000 47.9 Uganda 28.0 42.433929 1.545515 39.0 41.437500 42.750000 43.579167 45.2 Ukraine 28.0 28.710714 3.862855 24.0 25.450000 28.800000 30.291667 39.3 United Kingdom 29.0 34.803448 1.502969 32.6 33.300000 35.000000 35.500000 38.8 United States 29.0 40.506897 0.804865 38.0 40.100000 40.600000 41.000000 41.5 Uruguay 14.0 42.057143 2.755055 39.5 39.750000 40.300000 44.950000 46.4 Venezuela, RB 28.0 45.921429 1.789549 42.1 44.800000 44.800000 47.500000 49.5 Viet Nam 23.0 36.145652 1.012009 34.8 35.550000 35.720000 36.740000 39.3 Zambia 29.0 52.217241 4.185394 42.1 49.100000 53.300000 55.120000 60.5
# The highest and lowest Gini values in our dataset
#the countries with the minimum and maximum Gini values
min_gini_country = gini_stats['min'].idxmin()
max_gini_country = gini_stats['max'].idxmax()
# The years with the minimum and maximum Gini values for each country
min_gini_year = df_gini[df_gini['country'] == min_gini_country].sort_values(by='gini')['year'].iloc[0]
max_gini_year = df_gini[df_gini['country'] == max_gini_country].sort_values(by='gini', ascending=False)['year'].iloc[0]
# Print the results
print(f"Country with minimum Gini: {min_gini_country}, Year: {min_gini_year}, Gini: {gini_stats.loc[min_gini_country, 'min']}")
print(f"Country with maximum Gini: {max_gini_country}, Year: {max_gini_year}, Gini: {gini_stats.loc[max_gini_country, 'max']}")
Country with minimum Gini: Czechia, Year: 1992, Gini: 20.7 Country with maximum Gini: Bolivia, Year: 2000, Gini: 61.6
# Let's see how the summary statistics for Gini varies by income level:
gini_stats_by_income_level = df_gini.groupby('income_lvl')['gini'].describe()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max income_lvl 1.0 201.0 39.818035 8.230691 27.4 33.133333 39.050000 43.2250 61.6 2.0 392.0 43.884418 9.851186 20.7 36.075000 46.333333 51.9625 60.1 3.0 383.0 41.873325 8.488807 25.2 35.700000 42.800000 48.7500 59.9 4.0 673.0 32.074443 4.704032 23.0 28.300000 31.900000 34.8000 49.9
#Let's see summary stats on infation based on income levels.
#It is important for our investigation as inflation affects rich and poor countries and the rich and the poor people within a country differently.
inflation_stats_by_income_level = df_gini.groupby('income_lvl')['infl'].describe()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max income_lvl 1.0 201.0 21.477256 74.643823 -3.169556 5.452302 8.837864 17.607724 952.995953 2.0 392.0 37.767287 247.145958 -26.299993 3.519471 6.654897 13.429700 3333.585422 3.0 383.0 7.772207 9.542675 -5.992202 2.578473 4.785570 8.799837 75.277369 4.0 673.0 2.190532 2.190667 -9.653676 1.003867 1.880282 2.985620 15.333310
# Let's see the summary statistics on population growth by income level:
popn_gr_stats_by_income_level = df_gini.groupby('income_lvl')['popn_gr'].describe()
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max income_lvl 1.0 201.0 1.751652 1.436717 -3.629546 1.048445 2.141922 2.906232 3.532921 2.0 392.0 1.163340 1.024360 -1.757004 0.496976 1.394561 1.873829 3.571097 3.0 383.0 0.717204 0.915528 -2.096943 -0.006653 1.015471 1.398723 2.760033 4.0 673.0 0.657537 0.744143 -2.258464 0.238457 0.540461 1.082907 3.931356
# Lets' see what the trend of Gini Index has been like for some of the major World powers in this period:
# Filter the data for United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Australia and creating the plot:
countries = ['United States', 'United Kingdom', 'France', 'Germany', 'Australia']
df_filtered = df_gini[df_gini['country'].isin(countries)]
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
for country in countries:
df_country = df_filtered[df_filtered['country'] == country]
plt.plot(df_country['year'], df_country['gini'], label=country)
plt.ylabel('Gini Coefficient')
plt.title('Gini Trend for Major World Powers')
We can see that the Gini Index in the United States was higher than other major world powers to begin with and hasn't seen in sharp fluctuations in this period like the other countries.
#Scatterplots for gdp per capita and gini for countries with different income levels:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Define colors for the plots
colors = {
1: '#1F77B4',
2: '#FF7F0E',
3: '#2CA02C',
4: '#D62728'
# Create a figure with four subplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 8))
# Loop through income levels
for i, income_lvl in enumerate(range(1, 5)):
# Filter data for the current income level
df_subset = df_gini[df_gini['income_lvl'] == income_lvl]
# Plot the scatterplot
axes[i // 2, i % 2].scatter(df_subset['gdp_pc'], df_subset['gini'], color=colors[income_lvl])
# Calculate and plot the trendline
slope, intercept = np.polyfit(df_subset['gdp_pc'], df_subset['gini'], 1)
axes[i // 2, i % 2].plot(df_subset['gdp_pc'], slope * df_subset['gdp_pc'] + intercept, color='black', linestyle='--')
# Set the title and labels
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_title(f'Income Level {income_lvl}')
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_xlabel('GDP per Capita')
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_ylabel('Gini Coefficient')
# Adjust the spacing between subplots
# Show the plot
# Scatter plot with a trendline for life expectancy and Gini coefficient:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
# Scatter plot
plt.scatter(df_gini['life_exp'], df_gini['gini'])
# Trendline
z = np.polyfit(df_gini['life_exp'], df_gini['gini'], 1)
p = np.poly1d(z)
plt.plot(df_gini['life_exp'], p(df_gini['life_exp']), color='red')
# Labels and title
plt.xlabel('Life Expectancy')
plt.ylabel('Gini Coefficient')
plt.title('Life Expectancy vs. Gini Coefficient')
# Show the plot
# gini vs popn_gr scatterplot for countries with different income levels:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Define colors for the plots
colors = {
1: '#1F77B4',
2: '#FF7F0E',
3: '#2CA02C',
4: '#D62728'
# Create a figure with four subplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 8))
# Loop through income levels
for i, income_lvl in enumerate(range(1, 5)):
# Filter data for the current income level
df_subset = df_gini[df_gini['income_lvl'] == income_lvl]
# Plot the scatterplot
axes[i // 2, i % 2].scatter(df_subset['popn_gr'], df_subset['gini'], color=colors[income_lvl])
# Calculate and plot the trendline
slope, intercept = np.polyfit(df_subset['popn_gr'], df_subset['gini'], 1)
axes[i // 2, i % 2].plot(df_subset['popn_gr'], slope * df_subset['popn_gr'] + intercept, color='black', linestyle='--')
# Set the title and labels
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_title(f'Income Level {income_lvl}')
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_xlabel('Population Growth Rate')
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_ylabel('Gini Coefficient')
# Adjust the spacing between subplots
# Show the plot
# scatterplot infl and gini for different income levels (outliers have been taken off)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Define colors for the plots
colors = {
1: '#1F77B4',
2: '#FF7F0E',
3: '#2CA02C',
4: '#D62728'
# Create a figure with four subplots
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 8))
# Loop through income levels
for i, income_lvl in enumerate(range(1, 5)):
# Filter data for the current income level and inflation values between -10 and 40
df_subset = df_gini[(df_gini['income_lvl'] == income_lvl) & (df_gini['infl'] < 40) & (df_gini['infl'] > -10)]
# Plot the scatterplot
axes[i // 2, i % 2].scatter(df_subset['infl'], df_subset['gini'], color=colors[income_lvl])
# Calculate and plot the trendline
slope, intercept = np.polyfit(df_subset['infl'], df_subset['gini'], 1)
axes[i // 2, i % 2].plot(df_subset['infl'], slope * df_subset['infl'] + intercept, color='black', linestyle='--')
# Set the title and labels
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_title(f'Income Level {income_lvl}')
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_xlabel('Inflation')
axes[i // 2, i % 2].set_ylabel('Gini Coefficient')
# Adjust the spacing between subplots
# Show the plot
In this section, I present the statistical results of the model I am using. We then perform different tests to choose our final model and present our final results.
#Installing required linear model packages for our statistical analysis
!pip install linearmodels
from linearmodels import PanelOLS
from linearmodels import RandomEffects
from linearmodels.panel import PooledOLS, PanelOLS, RandomEffects
# Assuming df_gini is your DataFrame with columns: gini, gdp_pc, infl, life_exp, popn_gr, unemp, income_lvl
# Drop any missing values
# Create a MultiIndex DataFrame with country and time dimensions
df_gini.set_index(['country', 'year'], inplace=True)
# Define dependent and independent variables
exog_vars = ['gdp_pc', 'infl', 'life_exp', 'popn_gr', 'unemp', 'income_lvl']
exog = df_gini[exog_vars]
endog = df_gini['gini']
# Pooled OLS model
pooled_ols_model = PooledOLS(endog, exog)
pooled_ols_results = pooled_ols_model.fit()
# Print model summaries
print("Pooled OLS:")
Pooled OLS: PooledOLS Estimation Summary ================================================================================ Dep. Variable: gini R-squared: 0.9685 Estimator: PooledOLS R-squared (Between): 0.9726 No. Observations: 1639 R-squared (Within): -0.4438 Date: Fri, May 03 2024 R-squared (Overall): 0.9685 Time: 04:28:58 Log-likelihood -5506.1 Cov. Estimator: Unadjusted F-statistic: 8371.8 Entities: 72 P-value 0.0000 Avg Obs: 22.764 Distribution: F(6,1633) Min Obs: 11.000 Max Obs: 29.000 F-statistic (robust): 8371.8 P-value 0.0000 Time periods: 29 Distribution: F(6,1633) Avg Obs: 56.517 Min Obs: 14.000 Max Obs: 72.000 Parameter Estimates ============================================================================== Parameter Std. Err. T-stat P-value Lower CI Upper CI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gdp_pc -0.0002 1.184e-05 -18.057 0.0000 -0.0002 -0.0002 infl 0.0025 0.0014 1.7775 0.0757 -0.0003 0.0052 life_exp 0.5553 0.0117 47.527 0.0000 0.5324 0.5783 popn_gr 4.8373 0.1809 26.740 0.0000 4.4825 5.1921 unemp 0.3307 0.0418 7.9146 0.0000 0.2488 0.4127 income_lvl -2.0961 0.2896 -7.2376 0.0000 -2.6642 -1.5281 ==============================================================================
# Fixed effects model
fixed_effects_model = PanelOLS(endog, exog, entity_effects=True)
fixed_effects_results = fixed_effects_model.fit()
print("\nFixed Effects:")
Fixed Effects: PanelOLS Estimation Summary ================================================================================ Dep. Variable: gini R-squared: 0.1737 Estimator: PanelOLS R-squared (Between): -0.4042 No. Observations: 1639 R-squared (Within): 0.1737 Date: Fri, May 03 2024 R-squared (Overall): -0.3823 Time: 04:28:59 Log-likelihood -3672.2 Cov. Estimator: Unadjusted F-statistic: 54.681 Entities: 72 P-value 0.0000 Avg Obs: 22.764 Distribution: F(6,1561) Min Obs: 11.000 Max Obs: 29.000 F-statistic (robust): 54.681 P-value 0.0000 Time periods: 29 Distribution: F(6,1561) Avg Obs: 56.517 Min Obs: 14.000 Max Obs: 72.000 Parameter Estimates ============================================================================== Parameter Std. Err. T-stat P-value Lower CI Upper CI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gdp_pc 1.365e-05 8.134e-06 1.6783 0.0935 -2.303e-06 2.96e-05 infl 0.0012 0.0005 2.3911 0.0169 0.0002 0.0022 life_exp -0.0619 0.0364 -1.7001 0.0893 -0.1334 0.0095 popn_gr 0.8427 0.1621 5.2002 0.0000 0.5248 1.1606 unemp 0.2317 0.0261 8.8766 0.0000 0.1805 0.2829 income_lvl -1.8328 0.1758 -10.426 0.0000 -2.1776 -1.4880 ============================================================================== F-test for Poolability: 179.73 P-value: 0.0000 Distribution: F(71,1561) Included effects: Entity
# Random effects model
random_effects_model = RandomEffects(endog, exog)
random_effects_results = random_effects_model.fit()
print("\nRandom Effects:")
Random Effects: RandomEffects Estimation Summary ================================================================================ Dep. Variable: gini R-squared: 0.5557 Estimator: RandomEffects R-squared (Between): 0.9503 No. Observations: 1639 R-squared (Within): 0.0312 Date: Fri, May 03 2024 R-squared (Overall): 0.9424 Time: 04:28:59 Log-likelihood -3856.7 Cov. Estimator: Unadjusted F-statistic: 340.35 Entities: 72 P-value 0.0000 Avg Obs: 22.764 Distribution: F(6,1633) Min Obs: 11.000 Max Obs: 29.000 F-statistic (robust): 340.35 P-value 0.0000 Time periods: 29 Distribution: F(6,1633) Avg Obs: 56.517 Min Obs: 14.000 Max Obs: 72.000 Parameter Estimates ============================================================================== Parameter Std. Err. T-stat P-value Lower CI Upper CI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gdp_pc -4.898e-05 8.017e-06 -6.1097 0.0000 -6.47e-05 -3.326e-05 infl 0.0020 0.0005 3.6861 0.0002 0.0009 0.0030 life_exp 0.5226 0.0143 36.517 0.0000 0.4945 0.5506 popn_gr 1.5994 0.1696 9.4298 0.0000 1.2667 1.9320 unemp 0.3435 0.0274 12.555 0.0000 0.2899 0.3972 income_lvl -2.8567 0.1805 -15.823 0.0000 -3.2108 -2.5025 ==============================================================================
#Performing Hausman test to choose between fixed and random effects model.
#The numm hypothesis is random effects and alternative hypothesis is fixed effects in Hausman test
from scipy.stats import chi2
# Hausman test for comparing fixed effects and random effects
b_fe = fixed_effects_results.params
b_re = random_effects_results.params
cov_fe = fixed_effects_results.cov
cov_re = random_effects_results.cov
# Calculate the Hausman test statistic
d = b_fe - b_re
d_cov = cov_fe - cov_re
hausman_stat = d.T @ (d_cov @ d.T)
p_value = 1 - chi2.cdf(hausman_stat, df=d.shape[0])
# Print Hausman test statistic and p-value
print("Hausman Test:")
print("Test Statistic:", hausman_stat)
print("P-value:", p_value)
Hausman Test: Test Statistic: 0.004634724637361317 P-value: 0.9999999979294973
Since the p-value is not significant in the Hausman test result, we fail to reject the null hypothesis of random effects model and choose random effect model as our result.
# Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier test for heteroskedasticity to choose between random effects model and pooled OLS,
#The Null hypotheisis is Pooled OLs Model and Alternative Hypothesis is Random Effects in this test.
# Calculate the residuals from the pooled OLS and fixed effects models
pooled_ols_residuals = pooled_ols_results.resids
fixed_effects_residuals = fixed_effects_results.resids
# Calculate the squared residuals
pooled_ols_squared_residuals = pooled_ols_residuals ** 2
fixed_effects_squared_residuals = fixed_effects_residuals ** 2
# Calculate the cross-sectional averages of the squared residuals for the fixed effects model
fe_residuals_mean = fixed_effects_residuals.groupby(level='country').mean()
# Calculate the Breusch-Pagan test statistic
num = (pooled_ols_squared_residuals - fe_residuals_mean).sum()
den = pooled_ols_squared_residuals.sum() - (pooled_ols_squared_residuals.mean() ** 2) * pooled_ols_residuals.shape[0]
lm_stat = num / den
# Calculate the p-value using a chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom equal to the number of countries - 1
p_value = 1 - chi2.cdf(lm_stat, df=fixed_effects_residuals.groupby(level='country').count().shape[0] - 1)
# Print the Breusch-Pagan test statistic and p-value
print("\nBreusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier Test:")
print("Test Statistic:", lm_stat)
print("P-value:", p_value)
Breusch-Pagan Lagrange Multiplier Test: Test Statistic: -0.021064060212915268 P-value: 1.0
The p-value of our Lagrange Multiplier test is large, so fail to reject the null hypothesis and choose the Pooled OLS model.
After performing both these tests, we can confirm that Pooled OLS is our final model.
In this section, I present the final statistical model and intrepret the results. As stated above, after performing the statistical tests, Pooled OLS model is our final model.
#Final Model
print("Pooled OLS:")
Pooled OLS: PooledOLS Estimation Summary ================================================================================ Dep. Variable: gini R-squared: 0.9685 Estimator: PooledOLS R-squared (Between): 0.9726 No. Observations: 1639 R-squared (Within): -0.4438 Date: Fri, May 03 2024 R-squared (Overall): 0.9685 Time: 04:28:58 Log-likelihood -5506.1 Cov. Estimator: Unadjusted F-statistic: 8371.8 Entities: 72 P-value 0.0000 Avg Obs: 22.764 Distribution: F(6,1633) Min Obs: 11.000 Max Obs: 29.000 F-statistic (robust): 8371.8 P-value 0.0000 Time periods: 29 Distribution: F(6,1633) Avg Obs: 56.517 Min Obs: 14.000 Max Obs: 72.000 Parameter Estimates ============================================================================== Parameter Std. Err. T-stat P-value Lower CI Upper CI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gdp_pc -0.0002 1.184e-05 -18.057 0.0000 -0.0002 -0.0002 infl 0.0025 0.0014 1.7775 0.0757 -0.0003 0.0052 life_exp 0.5553 0.0117 47.527 0.0000 0.5324 0.5783 popn_gr 4.8373 0.1809 26.740 0.0000 4.4825 5.1921 unemp 0.3307 0.0418 7.9146 0.0000 0.2488 0.4127 income_lvl -2.0961 0.2896 -7.2376 0.0000 -2.6642 -1.5281 ==============================================================================
For our final model, the R-squared is 0.9685 meaning our model explains 96.85% variation in our dependent variable is explained by our independent variables.
The F-statistic is 8371.8 and the p-va;ue for Global F-test is less than significance level of 0.05 meaning we can reject the null hypothesis. This indicates that the model as a whole is statistically significant, and at least one of the independent variables has a significant effect on the dependent variable.
In our final model, we can see that our primary independent variable of interest gdp_pc is significant in explaining Gini Index but not in the direction I expected. As gp_pc goes by $1, the Gini Index decreases by 0.0002 points.
All the independent variables except inflation are significant in our final model. Increase in life expectancy, population growth rate, and unemployment increase inequality in a country which intuitively makes sense as well. Increase in incole level, however decreases inequality. This means, as countries move up in the income level brackets as discussed earlier in terms of GNI per capita, inequality decreases.
From this project, we can conlcude that economic growth in the sample of our 73 countries in the 30 year period from 1991- 2019 decreased income inequality. Increase in population growth rate, unemployment rate, and life expectancy increased income inequality while the country jumping to a higher income level caused decrease in income inequality.